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Stressing Out

...  it, writing a book is not the most important thing in the world. Not compared to, say, getting your kid to the emergency room when she's ...

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The Eight Deadly Words

...  in medias res, lots of fast-paced action, brilliant worldbuilding, intricate plots - all these things that are supposed to get ...  enormous changes in themselves or their lives or their worlds, or less dramatic ones? Are you interested in characters whose spiritual ...

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New Year’s Resolutions 2011

...  and "Come up with the coolest new story idea in the world because I'm bored with all my old ones." I don't go through exactly the ...

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Obsessive overbuilding

...  the implications of all the things one puts into one's worldbuilding is becoming obsessed with getting every detail just so.  It  ...  a lot of finished writing. Overbuilding an imaginary world is a problem that is closely related to over-researching. They have ...

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Happy holidays

...  into every story, but they're both a fascinating aspect of worldbuilding and a potential source of much character conflict and/or ...

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...  the universe, completely bypassing saving the kingdom, world, planetary system, and galaxy along the way (which can be really ...  puts into a book. When you're inventing a whole imaginary world, there's simply too much of it to get everything. This is one of the ...

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Exercising, Part 2

...  that is their absolute least favorite thing in the world to write, so they unconsciously avoid it whenever possible. Such writers ...

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Query Letters

...  in her student apartment and demands that she save the world before she has had her morning coffee.  Justly annoyed, she cracks him ...  shown it to, so I know that readers will buy it.  The world needs more funny stuff like my book.  It is really excellent."  (Each ...

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...  Month, a "writing event" that involves people all over the world trying to write a 50,000 word novel from scratch during the month of ...

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Where Are We?

...  I think the cause is related to the intensely media-heavy world we live in - when one is used to seeing what everything looks like, all ...

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