Caught in Crystal (1987)
Daughter of Witches (1983)

Shadow Magic (1982)

The Harp of Imach Thyssel (1985)

The Raven Ring (1994)

These books share a common setting on a world named Lyra, and are listed here in order of internal chronology rather than by publication. The books are only loosely connected, and so may be read in any order, although many readers will prefer to read them in the order given here.
Shadow Magic was my first novel, and when it was reissued as part of the Shadows Over Lyra omnibus edition in 1997, I made major revisions to smooth out the prose and storytelling. I also revised Daughter of Witches, but not to as great an extent. Changes to The Harp of Imach Thyssel were limited.
The five books take place in widely separate locations and times, and don’t include continuing characters, though careful readers will spot connections.