Have I Got An Offer For You…

There are some questions that all writers get, over and over and over. Anything that is repeated that many times gets very old, very fast. One of the most irritatingly common questions is the perennial “Where do you get your ideas?” But even more irritating are the

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Unrecognized Ambition

Every so often, I meet a writer who struggles with writing. Really struggles, more than the usual “I have forgotten how to do this” level of struggle. They beat themselves up about their lack of skill and inadequate talent compared to everyone else they know. At least

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Hard questions

Fiction writers, especially those who write science fiction and fantasy, are fond of asserting that the best of them ask the hard questions about life and the world. This is, by and large, a good thing in general. The problem comes when it gets down to specifics.

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Prioritizing the Demands

Every time a writer sits down to write a story, they face a bunch of different demands and expectations from several different directions. A writer who is aware of these demands and where they’re coming from can usually make better conscious adjustments when the various demands and

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Showing up

First a couple of announcements and links. This is the last week to apply for the Odyssey Workshop class on worldbuilding that I will be teaching in January. The sign-up page is at https://odysseyworkshop.org/worldbuilding.html; there are also some posts at https://www.facebook.com/OdysseyWorkshop, https://twitter.com/OdysseyWorkshop, and https://www.instagram.com/odysseyworkshop/. And I had a lovely

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Comfort zones

There’s a phrase I use a lot when I’m talking to people who want to be writers: “If what you are doing isn’t working, try something else!” Recently it has been borne in on me that a lot of those folks have nodded enthusiastically… and then they

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Talent and criticism

Last week, I kept stumbling across stories about the different responses people have to feedback.  The first couple came in the form of two versions of the old story about the violin maestro. He was approached by a young student who wanted the maestro’s judgement on his

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