Open mike!

It’s another open mic/mike week! Feel free to continue any discussions from previous posts, ask for better explanations or clarification, come up with whole new questions, or just catch everyone up on your latest news. I’m trying to get the house and cats set up so I

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Playing around with structure

So I had half my playing around with structure post done for this week, and then Kevin said this: “Pat, do you think a preset structure likely makes a story more predictable, or are structure and predictability unrelated?” There are a couple of things to consider here.

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Uses of Story Structure, Part 1

Story structure is one of those perennial topics in writing advice, and I haven’t talked about it for a while. So it’s probably time to revisit. I have two dressers in my bedroom. One was clearly made before the advent of mass production; the other was made

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Knowing the audience

“Know your audience” is a piece of writing advice I hear a lot. I have never really understood what people mean by it. In almost every case, the explicitly stated reason behind giving the advice is that if one knows who one’s audience is, one can (and,

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