Kate and Cecelia books written
with Caroline Stevermer
Kate and Cecy are cousins and best friends in an alternate Regency-era England where magic works and is an accepted part of society. They are temporarily separated (in the first book) when Kate is taken to London for her “Season,” and they stumble upon opposite ends of a magical plot. The story is told through their letters.

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Nearly fifteen years after Sorcery and Cecelia was originally published, demand for used copies of the first book was still great enough that our agents were able to resell the first title along with a sequel. We had been working on the sequel, The Grand Tour, for years; it turned out to be much harder to repeat the process when we knew we were writing for publication, rather than for our own delight.
For the third volume, The Mislaid Magician, we skipped ahead in time ten years, to the building of the early railroads in England.
We don’t currently have plans for another book in the series, but Caroline’s Magic Below Stairs (Penguin, 2010) is set in the same background.