Ok, shameless promotional stuff first. The hardcopy paperback version of Wrede on Writing is now available, and as a promotion, the Goodreads site is doing a giveaway – five people, selected at random from those who register, will each get a free copy. For anyone interested the link is here: https://www.goodreads.com/giveaway/show/75614-wrede-on-writing-tips-hints-and-opinions-on-writing

On to the post, which is about hooks.

I come from a family of fishermen. Not the sort of truly serious anglers who spend weeks scouting out the best trout streams to vacation near, but not the sort that go out one weekend a year with a worm on a bent pin, either. And as soon as I was deemed old enough to handle sharp objects safely, I was taught that there are different kinds of hooks, and which one you use depends on where you are fishing and what type of fish you are hoping to catch. You also learn  that hooking the fish isn’t enough; you have to set the hook, or the fish is likely to get away before you can reel it in.

This applies as much to writing as to fishing. Depending on who you talk to, the “hook” is the first scene, first page, first paragraph, or first sentence of the story. I tend to vote for the slightly longer versions, but that may be a function of my inability to stop reading something, even the print on cereal boxes, until I get to some sort of finish (like the end of a page or paragraph). I cannot recall ever having read only the first sentence of a story and then skipping the rest of it.

So I am not going to talk about writing catchy first sentences. I’m talking about the rest of that first paragraph, page, and chapter.

The first thing you learn, if you fish, is that you need bait and/or a lure. A bare hook doesn’t catch many fish. In writing terms, this means that, very early in the story, you are dangling something interesting in front of the reader: an intriguing puzzle, an interesting character or situation, a problem in need of solution. It doesn’t have to be the problem, the one that’s the center of the story, but it usually needs to be something more interesting than “Darn, I have a headache and I’m out of aspirin.”

So when you’re looking at your first page, scene, and chapter, the things to ask are “What is the intriguingly unique thing about this place, these people, this situation?” and/or “What questions are raised that the reader is going to want answered?”

This is what makes opening with the hero in mid-fight, madly swinging his sword or shooting at someone, not such a great opening for most books, most of the time, despite all the advice to the contrary. The obvious questions this sort of scene raises are “Why is he fighting these people?” and “Will he survive?” – and readers who’ve read the back blurb and know he’s the hero are pretty sure the answer to the second one is “yes.” That leaves only the “Why” question, which can be intriguing if it’s handled right…but if the main character is so busy lopping off heads that he/she can’t think, it’s pretty tough to look at “why” until after the fight, which leaves the author with a relatively weak hook.

The mid-fight opening hook will work fine on the sort of reader who just wants to read about cool fighting stuff (assuming, of course, that the opening fight displays a bit of coolness). It works best, though, if the fight is unusual in some fairly obvious way, because this raises all sorts of additional questions to pull the reader in.

Opening a story with the librarian at the Mage’s Academy in a life-or-death fight with a set of books, for instance, is interesting to more people than the “standard” shoot-him-or-lop-hi-head-off fight because librarians are not usually people we think of as needing to fight to the death as part of their jobs, books are not usually the sort of opponents featured in this sort of scene, and libraries are not usually the sort of place where this kind of fight takes place. So the reader wants to know, on some level, “Is this a normal event for magical librarians, or is this unusual even here? How do you fight books? What set these books off?” and most importantly, “What else is interestingly different about this person and this place?”

The most effective hooks work on both levels: First, they demonstrate to the reader that this story is going to have cool fighting or cool tea parties or a cool murder-mystery or cool technology; in other words, they let the reader know that the story will deliver whatever the reader expects from this sort of book. And second, they give the reader a sample of the really cool thing(s) that are unique and interesting about this particular story, whether that’s something about the characters, the setting, the situation, the event, etc.

“Giving the reader a sample” does not necessarily mean spilling the beans about the protagonist’s angsty backstory or the cool plot twist on page one – but it may mean showing that she has skills (or problems) that one wouldn’t normally expect from a young legal intern in Chicago, 2013, or demonstrating that even minor things in this story won’t go the way the reader expects. The questions the writer is likely to find useful are “What is the thing that makes this teacher/city street/murder victim/cocktail party/train ride/wedding different from all the lawyers/city streets/etc. that the reader is most likely expecting to see?” and “How do I let the reader know that ASAP?”

The perceptive blog reader will have already noticed that it is all but impossible to do all that in a single sentence. Hence my emphasis on the first paragraph, page, scene, and chapter.

  1. I’ve seen way too many contemporary young adult books start the same way – the first day at a new school. You have a completely average main character on a completely normal day. I’ve stopped reading those books. If you can’t make that particular high school interesting, then I’m not interested in reading it!

  2. There’s always Kuttner/Moore’s “The doorknob opened a blue eye and looked at him.” Doesn’t tell you much, but it engenders a level of “Whaaaaat?” that is very likely to make the reader read the next few paragraphs, to find out what the heck is going on.

  3. I just discovered this blog and I’m reading my way through it. I’m enjoying it VERY much. Thanks for the effort you put into it. It is incredibly generous of you.

    It occurs to me that if you have a Kindle or use the app, you can download a free sample -usually the first chapter – of just about any book. That might be a cool way to look at a lot of hooks and see how well they do or do not work to draw you in.

  4. I once sold a story where the heroine woke up in the opening paragraph.

    Because her first thought was Pillow? I have a pillow? How did that happen?

  5. “… the cool plot twist on page one …”? Say, what? Shouldn’t you hold off on one of those until, say page ten or 20 or 259?

    I have read many books that have been quite entertaining and have not felt the urge for a hook in Paragraph One. I think it might be that other factors have already set the hook: the author (reputation for writing certain ways); the title; the cover art; a bit of chatting up of the story in a newsgroup, forum, article; or _____ insert factor of your choice here _____.

  6. Oh, hooks! What good timing — I need to think about these. I think fantasy and science fiction can have so many things going on that are “not real” that it is impossible to put them all in a sentence — or even a paragraph. It’s probably true for contemporary romance or any other genre, though. Not only do we need to put the reader down in one imaginary place, we need to have something tempting to keep the reader moving through that imaginary place.

    I love the librarian battling books. I’ve got a somewhat similar situation in my book, so maybe a checklist of normal tools mixed in with some very odd extras . . . .

    I love a good, interesting list, but I think my writing teacher would scream about starting a story that way. In many ways, it’s a prologue, not starting with action, but with hints of action to come.

    I’ll try it anyway . . . .

  7. The trouble I generally have is not with “hooks” but with judging the right amount (and kind) of introductory information to give a reader who is coming to my story cold.

    It needs to be enough to orient the reader and keep him from quitting in frustration, but not so much as to cause the reader to quit from boredom. And because I already know about the character, the situation, and the general setting, it’s hard for me to put myself in the place of the reader who doesn’t know any of this stuff.

    My natural impulse is to shove everything at the reader right away, for fear that the reader won’t get it – or worse, will come to strong & mistaken conclusions due to incomplete information. But I know this doesn’t work.

  8. On a tangent: For some reason I keep seeing this as a challenge. Take “Darn, I have a headache and I’m out of aspirin” as a first line and write a story around it.

  9. @ Mary,

    Dammit, I want to read that! Well, at least the next sentence or two.

    Who was it said: “The function of the first sentence is to get you to read the second sentence. Same for paragraph, page, chapter, etc.”

  10. Mary – Yeah, that opener would make me read on, too!

    Deep Lurker – You’re not the only one who sees a challenge in there….