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Why writing is like cold fusion

...  is a lot like inventing cold fusion. No one in the world has ever invented cold fusion. People have invented a lot of other ...

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Villains, Part 2

...  pursuit of selfish goals. A villain who plans to achieve world domination is not likely to be as sympathetic as one who wants to end world hunger. A character who intends to murder one person is probably not ...

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Using news techniques in fiction

...  of the One Ring, the Dark Lord, and the armies affects the world and the impact the effects have on some characters the readers have yet ...

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Tipping points

...  would history look like?" development. It's more "if the world worked like this, and history was still kind of recognizable but not ...  very quickly. (The 1815 eruption of Mount Tambora caused a worldwide “year without a summer” in 1816, resulting in famines but also in ...

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...  loner. Strip the borrowed planet down to essentials—this world is the only source of Unobtanium, which is vital to space traffic—and then rebuild it as a water world instead of a desert, with varying terrain and climate in different ...

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Doing the work

...  order of preventing gun violence by creating an alternate world in which gunpowder was never invented…unfortunately, history doesn’t ...  or else they needed to invent an entire imaginary world that simply worked the way they wanted it to. In all cases, the actual ...

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“But I don’t want to…”

...  the exact bit, but it was something involving general worldbuilding—food, fashion, holidays, celebrations.) Noticing this, the ...  writers who have to limit their pre-writing plotting or worldbuilding to a bare minimum or risk losing all motivation and interest in ...

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Hard questions

...  the best of them ask the hard questions about life and the world. This is, by and large, a good thing in general. The problem comes when ...

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Celebrations and Holidays

...  provide lots of opportunity for both characterization and worldbuilding. The SF colony planet that celebrates Crash Landing Day ...  around holidays also make for good characterization and worldbuilding fodder. Snowflake-shaped sugar cookies baked annually at ...  wine can tell readers something about both person and world, if only that there is some holiday that most people are participating in ...

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Making a Background Plot Work

...  was injured. It’s background news, presented more as worldbuilding than as hints about a plot that will eventually involve the ...

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