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Celebrations and Holidays

...  provide lots of opportunity for both characterization and worldbuilding. The SF colony planet that celebrates Crash Landing Day ...  around holidays also make for good characterization and worldbuilding fodder. Snowflake-shaped sugar cookies baked annually at ...  wine can tell readers something about both person and world, if only that there is some holiday that most people are participating in ...

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Making a Background Plot Work

...  was injured. It’s background news, presented more as worldbuilding than as hints about a plot that will eventually involve the ...

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What’s the real problem?

...  need to learn...almost anything, really, from saving the world to finding their lost library book to reconciling with an estranged ...  to it. Other writers start with a plot (“saving the world” is a perennial favorite), which then shapes the characters, especially ...

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Rolling along

...  to writers, even if it doesn’t actually work in the real world for Achilles and the tortoise). As a result, lots of writing advice ...

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More on Beginnings

...  are spilling over into the Dursleys' “normal” world. It’s an unusual way to do a just-after opening – seen through the ...

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A Plot-noodling How-to

...  Or there’s a specific aspect of a character or the world that they need but don’t have yet. If they’re just stuck, the ...  the writer just has a couple of characters or a world, and no plot events or scenes, I start with questions about the ...  places where characters or plot events or aspects of the world either overlap, or where they appear contradictory. I try not to make ...

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Micro-level bad habits

...  aspects of storytelling: characterization, narrative, worldbuilding, plot, and the ways one develops or reveals these things over the ...  presents characterization, growth, personality, action, worldbuilding, plot, and everything else in writing happens one word and one ...

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Choosing (Multiple) Viewpoint Characters

...  of the setting, these can be representative of real-world diversity, imaginary-but-recognizable types of aliens and magical beings, ...  Kayla is a total outsider to every aspect of this world; while Archie is an insider. I need his perspective to contrast with ...

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Multiple viewpoint, Multiple stories

...  to cope with a decentralized story and/or large-scale worldbuilding without making their single viewpoint travel everywhere and ...

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Who’s telling the story?

...  omniscient narrator is a cranky historian of his fantasy world, whose opinions keep intruding on the story. Jane Yolen does something ...

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