1. I don’t claim to be in our hostess’ class on writing advice, at least for fiction, but after fifteen years of teaching technical writing, and more years than that of working on writing fiction, I like to think I’ve come up with something.

    It’s now all in a free ebook. While I know for certain no one can use everything in there, there’s enough (140k words) that many writers can get *something* out of it.

    Again, it’s free. And I guarantee you get what you pay for it! 😉


  2. As I was doing an online safety trainings for work, they posted a statement that was surprisingly poetic: “Safety regulations are written in blood.” Which also would make a good, albeit grim, writing prompt!

  3. This is an absolutely shameless plug for my new blog, born all of three weeks ago, which shall not be linked in this comment for fear of the spam-bombing algorithm. It’s attached to my name, so there. 😉 It’s mostly my thoughts on various topics, sometimes writing-related, and a hundred percent shamelessly Christian (in case there’s anybody who’d be offended by that; you have now been warned). Visit–or don’t–if you will. I’ll not be offended if you don’t.

  4. My old WIP is on hiatus, as it’s reached a point where I’ve decided I want beta readers before attempting further revisions. So the “Finding Beta Readers” post of four weeks ago had turned out to be extra helpful.

    I’ve turned to a formerly back-burner project that’s now my current WIP, and ideas and possibilities are coming in faster than I can type them down.

    One idea that I expect I will use is a small shop of pirate memorabilia named “Talk Like a Pirate.” Only now I need names for the proprietor and his slavegirl.

    • >> now I need names for the proprietor and his slavegirl.

      The self-styled Salty Sam and (especially if she turns on him) bonny Annie.

  5. Since Talk Like A Pirate Day is this week, I shall tout The Witch Child and the Scarlet Fleet


  6. I am trying to decide if I will do NaNoWriMo this year. I have an idea that would suit well for it. I also have a just-for-funsies novella that is near the end… and continues to be no nearer the end despite multiple attempts to get it moving there. Words have not been coming to me lately, in fact I think they’ve been taking the wrong freeway exit and veering off to the far unknown. If I can’t get this small, easy project done in the next month and a half, I suspect taking on 50K in a month would be a poor choice. So that’s my deciding factor.

    • Good fortune to you on that! May the words find their proper road and come pouring out onto the page! 😀

    • I am considering trying to do 50,000 on a WIP this November.

      I never sign up for the website, though I’ve done it a few times before.

      • The official website’s a train-wreck these days anyway. But depending where you’re at, it might be worth checking out your regional NaNo group. Mine, at least, is a lot of fun and I’ve met some cool people through it.