Welcome to my blog! It’s still something of a work in progress, so I welcome comments. I’m also interested in questions, since I can already tell that coming up with stuff to talk about on my own is going to be even harder than I was expecting.

  1. I might be really young, but I’m writing a book. I need help. I don’t want to run into the problem of droning on and on so it’s a endless book. I also want to make it a book where if they make it a movie I want it so they can’t change it or leave out some cool stuff. Please help!

    • Nellie – A lot of what I talk about on this blog is about how to write. If you don’t find a post that suits your needs, ask more specifically in comments on the latest one, and either I’ll answer or I’ll do another post on it. As far as movies go, there is nothing you can do when you are writing the book to prevent them from changing things; if you want that, it’ll have to be in the movie contract (and from what I know of movie companies, it is VERY difficult to get them to agree to this sort of thing).

  2. Hey! im 11 but ive read your dealing with dragon series and it was great i felt like it draged me into the book it was just awesome.I found this book in my battle of the books club so once i read your book i just had to read the rest.But i just thought i would tell you how much a good writer you are even though a lot of people must tell you this, well i do not know how to end this so goodbye!