The world is the size of a pea

As you may have noticed, I was in Chicago earlier this week, doing publicity  for Thirteenth Child. It was a little strange; I haven’t really done the school-visits-and-bookstore-signings thing in my home town before. Oh, I’ve signed at bookstores, but it’s usually been me calling them up

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Busy, busy

A week of conventioning followed by a bad case of stage fright followed by a bad cold has severely limited my blogging. Also, the comments and email seem to be broken–I apologize for not noticing sooner. On the up side, I am learning all sorts of new

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How To Be A Writer

Write. No, really, that’s it. It’s kind of a definitional thing. What you have to be in order to be a writer is, you have to be someone who writes.  Period.  You don’t have to be nice; you don’t have to be educated; you don’t have to

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Welcome to Patricia C. Wrede’s Blog!

Welcome to my blog! It’s still something of a work in progress, so I welcome comments. I’m also interested in questions, since I can already tell that coming up with stuff to talk about on my own is going to be even harder than I was expecting.

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