Finding a plot

I’ve been plot-noodling with a couple of primarily character-centered writers lately, and I’ve noticed that they both have a similar problem. Most of the time, they don’t even see the places where they are dropping plot-hints…and when they do see them, they don’t immediately recognize them. One

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How I Do It –Example

Edited to reformat for readability, per Deep Lurker’s suggestion. This is my version of how-I-develop-it-into-a-scene when I’m having particular trouble. In this case, I started with a conversation “sketch draft” with minimal movement. There are four characters present: Archie, the 15-year-old POV; Del, aged 10; and Harkawn

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Open Mic Insert

So in my enthusiasm for answering questions, I appear to have forgotten that last week was supposed to be an Open Mic week. Here it is, late… And apropos of questions, I was wondering if people would be interested in a post taking a real-life bit of

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Dialog and stage business

Suggestion-box requests: (1) Dialog, in particular mixing stage business with dialog. It’s been a while since I’ve done a post on dialog, and I have a request for one, so here ‘tis. So-called “stage business” in fiction follows the theater definition; it’s “an incidental action, such as

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Sad news

I am sorry to have to let everyone know that Dorothy Heydt, a good friend and one of our regular author-contributors in the comments, has passed away. I don’t have much in the way of details, but Seanan McGuire, who is a close friend of the family,

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Looking at character-driven plot

I got quite a few requests in the last Open Mic, and I’m going to start working through them, beginning with this: Note the problem is not character story lacking, but putting together a single coherent plot that doesn’t consist of a character’s entire life story. I

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What’s free and what isn’t

Most writers get something “for free” – some part of writing that they don’t have to work at to get it to an acceptable level. Sometimes it’s something general: plot development, emotionally complex characterization, solid background, an intuitive grasp of story structure. Sometimes it’s something more narrowly

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