(I meant to put this up right after the con, but … oh, well, better late than never.) More or less in chronological order: 1. Sitting in the Governor’s Club Thursday night listening to Ellen Klages tell stories and having chocolate martinis and flourless chocolate cake. 2.
Read more →Do not go out of town for a week and FORGET TO TAKE THE NEW PASSWORD for your shiny new blog.
Read more →The new modem is now working, but the wireless still isn’t. I probably should have expected it–it’s one of those corollaries of Murphy’s Law: The week before you leave home on a trip, everything that can go wrong will. But I am going to ignore my chore
Read more →Yesterday morning, my modem died the ultimate death. Dead modems turn out to be dreadfully hard to diagnose, or at least, that’s what I conclude after spending two hours on the phone to tech support trying to determine why my Internet connection was unstable. Add another hour
Read more →And now for a quick look through the mailbag (fixing the comments took longer than expected, but they finally seem to be working, yay!). Some excerpts that seem like a good idea to answer here: From several people: “Will you be autographing/appearing in X area soon?” Answer:
Read more →So the first round of publicity appearances is over; I have two weeks now before Wiscon and the side trip to deal with pressing family business. When you’re working on a book, two weeks is not as much time as it sounds. I’m hoping to use the
Read more →As you may have noticed, I was in Chicago earlier this week, doing publicity for Thirteenth Child. It was a little strange; I haven’t really done the school-visits-and-bookstore-signings thing in my home town before. Oh, I’ve signed at bookstores, but it’s usually been me calling them up
Read more →A good many years ago, I was on a panel about the business side of writing. About half the panel were full-time writers; the other half still had day jobs. During the question-and-answer session, someone directed a question at James P. Hogan, one of the other full-timers
Read more →A week of conventioning followed by a bad case of stage fright followed by a bad cold has severely limited my blogging. Also, the comments and email seem to be broken–I apologize for not noticing sooner. On the up side, I am learning all sorts of new
Read more →Write. No, really, that’s it. It’s kind of a definitional thing. What you have to be in order to be a writer is, you have to be someone who writes. Period. You don’t have to be nice; you don’t have to be educated; you don’t have to
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