1. Happy T-Day!

    With the day and the open mic coinciding…a couple of years ago I made a comment here about a parody story, was invited to write it, and did. It was fun…but not too representative of me as an author. But I still get people coming to read it from here.

    So with the holiday and this open mic, if anyone wants to read anything of mine, I like to think this Thanksgiving story shows me more accurately:


    In any case, enjoy the day!! 🙂

  2. I got a round of revisions back from my alpha reader/editor/dad this week. Turns out I had some troubles with characterization, pacing, exposition/world building (I threw magic into the story and it really didn’t fit), and plot holes. Sigh. Lots of work to do.

    My dad’s a good editor, though. He caught a few places with illogicalities (that’s totally a word), like the random dark alley by a noblewoman’s manor, or the MC’s eyebrows singeing when she’s not even facing the fire; he caught a spot where the pacing slowed down during a bit of description; and he sparked a few ideas on how to fix my plot problems. He did an excellent job of finding problems and telling me to fix them without telling me how. Even if I never find a set of non-family beta readers, I know I can trust Dad when it comes to editing (yay!).

    Still. I have ninety percent of a novella to rewrite, which is NOT the most exciting thought. Much as I know it’s impossible, it would still be nice if the story would come out of my fingers properly the first time around.

    Anyhow. Happy Thanksgiving, everybody!

  3. Happy Thanksgiving!

    Consider books as Christmas presents!

  4. I’m super happy about that last post on description. Where before it was very hard to scatter in these misfits of generic details, as soon as I shaped completely separate descriptive notes based on character POV and what each character cares about, it’s become wonderfully easier to write. Thank you!

  5. My current WIP is something that’s been trudging for almost six years now, based on the creation date of the earliest Chapter 1 file. I did produce a couple of (short, just barely) novellas and a fistful of short stories on the side, but gah…

    And the back-burner project of a holiday-story anthology, with holidays from an alt-history 1950s is still bubbling away on the back burner. It’s spilled over for a set of holiday stories in one of the halfling (don’t-say-hobbit) lands of a D&Dish world, a world where humans are rare, not native, and all magical (wizards, sorceresses, etc.)

    On an off-topic holiday note, has anything happened with Venturesome Sheep Day?