A Halloween Open Mic!

OK, day after Halloween, but it’s still closer to it than it’s been before. Talk among yourselves, ask questions for me to blather on about next week, whatever you like. I’m back from the current round of New Book Publicity and head down in trying to get

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Should I do NaNoWriMo?

National Novel Writing Month (most commonly known as NaNoWriMo) starts next week. For those unfamiliar with the idea, it started as a straightforward challenge: During the month of November, complete 50,000 words of a novel. In the past 24 years, it’s grown into a huge community of

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Writers, business plans, and me

The “Publishing Options” series concluded with the third post I did last week, but I wanted to also talk a bit about some of the other business decisions writers have to make. Specifically, about business plans. The vast majority of writers don’t have even an informal business

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Publishing options, Part II

This is the second part of a three-part series on things to consider when deciding how to publish one’s novel. All parts come with a warning: I have next to no personal experience with any form of publishing besides the traditional sort. So read the comments; there

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Publishing options, Part 1

A while back, E. Beck asked for a blog post on various publishing options, pros and cons, and how to decide among them. As always, I have Opinions, but I have to start by pointing out that I have next to no personal experience with any form

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Trying something different

One of the things I keep repeating over and over is that if what you are doing does not work, you should try doing something different. The problem is that this seems to go against the deepest instincts people have, because the first thing one has to

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Crowds vs. Councils

It’s here! The Dark Lord’s Daughter is officially out. I’m excited and anxious and hopeful and lots of other things, which will probably last a couple of weeks until I have some idea how it’s doing. Meantime, I have a blog post to give you. This week

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Finding Beta Readers

Every so often, I get asked about finding beta readers. This is my take: Step 1: Decide what you want from a beta reader. Some writers want (and need) encouragement—the proverbial “five pages of closely reasoned praise.” Other writers want something specific; they want to know if

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