Happy Whatever-you-celebrate!
Read more →It’s already time for another open mic! How are your holidays going? News? Problems? Accomplishments? I’m still trying to figure out how to import my cat pictures…
Read more →OK, day after Halloween, but it’s still closer to it than it’s been before. Talk among yourselves, ask questions for me to blather on about next week, whatever you like. I’m back from the current round of New Book Publicity and head down in trying to get
Read more →It feels as if I just did this yesterday, but my calendar says it is time for another open mic!
Read more →And it is once again time for an open mic! My only news is the 7″ of wet snow we got, appropriately enough, on April Fool’s Day. At this rate, I will be able to stop shoveling my driveway somewhere around June…
Read more →Once again, it is an Open Mic week! Chat amongst yourselves while I catch up on the 957 emails that have collected in my in-box…
Read more →By coincidence, this open mic arrives on Thanksgiving week (in the U.S.), which means I get to slave over a hot stove for the next two days instead of over a hot keyboard! Happy Thanksgiving, everybody!
Read more →Chat amongst yourselves–what are your current WIPs, problems, brilliant new ideas, plans for Halloween, whatever! And ask if there’s anything you’d like a blog post on. Or anything you’re sick of hearing me rant about…
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