
In many ways, stories are a balancing act, and the balance point for every story depends on exactly what the author is juggling and how much of whatever-it-is they have to keep in the air. A guy riding a unicycle is a balancing act, but so is

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Modern technology is great. It lets me change a character’s name in an entire manuscript with the flick of a button, without having to retype the whole thing. It checks spelling. It lets me send copies of my work to my crit group without spending a fortune

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The Writing Process(es)

For purposes of this post, I’m defining “the writing process” as “how people go about getting words on the page.” Not getting ideas, not developing them, not laying down plot or characterization, though all of those things are involved or affected by process. (Writing is a massive

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All the Moving Parts

Happy 2023, everybody! It’s a new year, and this is when nearly everybody (including me) takes at least a few minutes to think about what they want to get done in the coming year. “Write a book” is a perennial favorite. So I thought I’d try to

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Happy Holidays 2022

Best wishes to everyone, whether this is a great time for you, a hard time, or a what’s-all-the-fuss-about time. I am happy–they finally came and fixed my internet line this morning! (It’s been unstable for weeks and getting steadily worse, but no longer.) Next week, it’ll be

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How I plot?

This is my last blog post for 2022. (I always take the Tuesday between Christmas and New Year’s off, so next week will be an off-schedule Open Mic, and the count to the next one will reset on the first Tuesday of the year.) I asked a

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