Poking at plot

Sooner or later, every writer seems to have trouble with plot, even writers for whom plot “comes naturally.” Part of the problem, I think, is that over the past twenty or thirty years, story structure has become thoroughly confused with plot. (I blame this largely on the

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April Open Mic

It’s that time again…open mic! Enjoy chatting, what’s up, what you’re working on, what ideas come next, what you’re avoiding, what ever…

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Ending after ending after ending

Stories are full of endings. From the ending of a multi-book plot arc to the ending of a sentence, writers face the same sorts of questions over and over: Have I said everything I need to say? Will this flow better if it’s longer or shorter? Does

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Borrowing One of the shortcuts a writer can use for any of the Big Three story elements (plot, characters, setting/backstory) is to borrow them from somewhere else. “Somewhere else” covers a lot of ground; the caveat is that if one is going to borrow from anything that

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Doing the work

I spent last weekend at a steampunk convention as one of their author guests (I was supposed to be there in 2020, but…). It was the first time I’ve gone to a con since 2019, and it was refreshing, in spite of my various travel glitches (I

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Living the dream?

As some of you may be aware, the last year has involved a lot of expensive home repairs for me, mostly involving having to replace major appliances (furnace, water heater, air conditioner, computer, sewer line) plus minor repairs to several others. During one of my meetings with

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There’s a scene in the Great Muppet Caper in which Lady Holiday, while interviewing Miss Piggy for a receptionist job, tells her a lot of personal information about her family relationships and the valuable jewelry (the Baseball Diamond…) she is going to put on display. When Miss

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